Thursday, June 30, 2011

Moving Forward

I graduated from high school last night. It was kind of awesome, but awful at the same time. There's nothing stranger than walking down a hallway full of your classmates and realizing that you may never see some of them again (and liking that with some people, which makes me feel like a horrible person). Everything's just so strange. But fantastic because I can finally say that I've completed high school on forms! I can also say that I was awarded the biggest scholarship that my school offers, which is kind of cool and immensely helpful. Although I hate hearing people give speeches on me, it's awfully awkward. But, I like the money I can get out of it.

Now that that's out of the way I can really focus on writing again once I get back in the groove. I had planned to write a road trip style story that I've had in mind for a while, but I decided that I want to finish my fantasy trilogy, so that'll be my focus this summer. Ideally I'd like to get the really skinny first drafts for the second and third books done. This will probably happen with the help of NaNoWriMo camp, which is essentially WriMo but over the summer. Maybe I'll be able to get it done way earlier and be one of those people with hundreds of thousands of words in their pieces. But we'll just have to wait and see. I start working on my second book (which was started in the original NaNoWriMo that that series had come from a few years ago) tomorrow. Here's to hoping that everything's gonna go well and I can finish! And then get to revising...ew. Cheers!

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