Monday, March 28, 2011

Picture Books FTW!!!

Why yes, that was indeed chatspeak right smack dabby in the middle of my title. Be afraid, be very afraid, for I am slowly sinking into the depths of simplicity.

The preceding statement is actually correct. One of the courses I'm taking is Writer's Craft and a recent assignment was to write a children's book that has to be illustrated. The writing part took me half an hour. I delved into the world of childlike fantasy through the eyes of Carolina the Crocodile as she goes on an amazing journey of friendship and acceptance. Long story short, it's stereotypical and cliche, but I needed something and it was readily available in my mind.

The unfortunate part of this entire endeavor is the fact that I can't draw at all. And by at all I mean I can't even draw a stick person. So that part is absolutely killing me. If I'm ever a children's author, I've always known that I'd be enlisting my cousin (he's an amazing artist) to illustrate them for me, so this really isn't fair. Hopefully I'll get through it. If I die during this, I want to be buried with one hell of a nice epitaph. And I want Another One Bites the Dust to play at my funeral.

Kay over and out.

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