Saturday, March 12, 2011

Crazy Little Thing Called Life

Please ignore the horribly misquoted lyrics that are comprising the title to this post. It was the only thing I could think of. Normally, that wouldn't be an excuse, however today I feel this is valid since I've been up since 5 in the morning (and it's Saturday!).

Why, you might be wondering? Because I had to travel to Peterborough for Trent University's open house. Which was an adventure, since google maps told us it would take a half hour longer, randomly advised a u-turn (which we didn't do) and then led us to the back of the university, not the front where we could actually enter (hurray for dead ends). We got there eventually, went to the opening thingy which included this absolutely awesome history prof which is fantastic because if all history profs are like that, then that means that I'm in for awesomeness if I go there, since I'll be studying history. 

After that, my parents and I hung out waiting for a tour since their schedule was absolutely ridiculous in a stupid way. But that was okay. Then lunch. Then res tour of Lady Eaton College (Trent has a college system, so think Hogwarts' houses, it's a residence, but you're just categorized by name which is defined as a college). 

So now I'm left wondering if I would like to attend Trent or Laurier. It's a conundrum. It really is. I debated for a while typing up the names to both, taping them to a wall and whipping a pokeball at random and seeing which one it hits, but I figured I couldn't afford to be putting holes in my wall. I'm not sure if I like Trent. I think that'll be where I end up, but off the top of my head, I still want to go to Laurier. The biggest problem is that I'd been dead set on being a golden hawk since in and around grade 7, and only this year around Thanksgiving did I decide to even look at Trent. Laurier is bigger population-wise, brighter, and more bustling (or it was when I saw it), but then again, that was during homecoming, so that changes things dramatically. Trent seemed dreary and institutional (ie very concrete inside the buildings, the outside is total wilderness almost, in a cultivated way, and will be beautiful when it's not a miserable day in the middle of winter). On the other hand, though, Laurier would have bigger classes, I could be caught up in the rush, and it seems snobbier, not to mention some of the residences are iffy and the scholarships suck. At Trent it's a tighter knit community, which I need, small class sizes, really awesome residences (at least at Lady Eaton, the others are really cool too, especially Gzowski since they have semi-private bathrooms, air conditioning, double beds etc but it's crazy expensive) and they are top for scholarships.

Ultimately, I'll wind up at Trent. I think. As much as I don't want to right now, I know it'll be the better option for me. It's just kinda hard. Going to university is a huge adjustment, and it's nerve-wracking, especially if you're a naturally skittish person like me who's also a year younger than all your classmates because you skipped a grade.

That being said, nothing concrete has been decided, so we'll just have to wait and see.

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