Sunday, August 21, 2011

Gettin' There

I have officially started about three new projects. We'll have to see how they go. I'm hoping they turn out well. Oh, make that four. I found another one in my head I'd like to work on. This is all part of the magic, sitting here and getting the first little bit for a few million things and finding ones that work. Which is what really makes it enjoyable, but frustrating on the days when you just want everything to work. It shows how many places your mind can go, and also proves that nothing's perfect. If you're honestly so shallow as to assume that anything you write is perfect you've got a hell of a lot of work to do. You can be proud of it, but everything can be improved. That's why I get so frustrated with old work, because I can see exactly how it needs to be improved. Perfection is impossible, but continuing to try and always trying to improve your skills is what will really make you a good writer. If you think you've got it down, you'll become stagnant and it just...won't work. That spiraled off into a wonderful block of text, I'll stop talking now and getting working.

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