Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Wee Bit of an Obsession With Being Special

A little while ago, I donated blood. It was something I've been dying to do for a really long time, no pun intended, and while I seemed really nervous apparently, I really wasn't. In actual fact, it was really kind of awesome. How amazing is it to sit there for 5-10 minutes and know that the tiny donation you've given could save 3 lives?

Anyway, today I got my card. For those of you who aren't familiar with the Canadian system (or at least Ontario, but I'm pretty sure it's Canada-wide) you donate blood and they send you a card with your name on it and stuff including your blood type. I'd always been told I was A-. I told people I was A-. I was all excited because that meant I was one of only 6% of the Canadian population with blood like then. I didn't look at my card, or the letter it was tucked in. I went straight to the booklet and I noticed that O+ was 39% of the population (or something like that).

Then I looked at my letter. It told me I was O-. It said it was rare and the most needed, because anyone can receive it. I nearly cried. I thought it was the one where I was most common. For some reason that really, really bothered me. I freak out over strange things. Not only was I no longer special, but I couldn't remember enough about blood types to figure out how it was even possible when both of my parents are A-.

So like the average teen, I went straight to Google. There I found out that it is recessive. So I had to receive the O part from both of my parents. I don't know enough about blood to understand the transmission of positive or negative, but that meant I was special. I cheered up. And then I went and actually looked at the booklet and realized that I'd remembered the wrong figure. There's only 7% of the population with a blood type like mine, and we're the most needed. It's not the rarest, but there was a sticker on my card telling me that I have rare blood and that I should donate.

I'm going to. I had been planning on getting my ears pierced right away and then donating after the waiting period is over, but I'm not. I'm going to hold off for an indefinite period of time because I want to keep donating as often as I can. I'm useful. I get to listen to the Canadian Blood Services announcements where they say that there's a need for O- blood and know that I can help fill that. I can save people. Anybody. Maybe you if you're reading this. Think about it - my blood could save you. Now that's a pretty special thing, isn't it.

Monday, May 30, 2011

New Project?

Today, in drama, I didn't have a whole lot to do. We're working on our ISU's and while the other member of my group who was there is totally awesome, and really, really nice and incredibly talented (ie we get along well, and she's not at fault for my boredom in the slightest), I ran out of things. So I started doodling. I originally started off with a drawing of an alligator, but turned into a piece of toast (or bread, I haven't officially decided). With a hat. And a handbag. I decided that his best friend would have to be celiac. That he'd be offended by grilled cheese. And he'd hit on granola bars. His name is Gary. This personified pastry is the result of a spilled science experiment.

And that's where the other characters started rolling in. I really hope nobody else uses the ideas I've already listed, because that would really upset me, but I have decided to start scripting a webcomic. For those of you who don't know, I have an unhealthy obsession with webcomics. I read a kazillion and keep adding onto my list, and when I find a new one, I read it from beginning to end. Lately I've taken to rereading. Especially James Kochalka's, because his are rereadable and still really funny, because you remember specific ones better because each is a specific incident.

The only problem is, in case you haven't read my post on children's books, that I can't draw. At all. I'm really, really bad. Like, suuuuuuper bad. It's painful how bad I am. So I can script to my heart's content, but drawing will be hard, especially since I have a particular style that I like. That particular style is pseudo-manga style dealy, in case you were curious. Therefore, I plan to script out a bunch, and ask a very talented artist cousin of mine if he'd be willing to illustrate it for me. After that, we can rule the world, bwahahahaha. Or at least I can post a weekly webcomic or something. But we'll see how the scripting goes first before I go full into this foray into webcomiccery.

Whoot! Yay for stats!

My stats page just informed me that I've had a reader from Russia. I should not be ridiculously excited but I am. I have this bizarre obsession with that country. The history, the language, the culture. If I could study it, I would. If it weren't for the fact my mum doesn't like the idea, I'd totally love to go there for a study abroad year. I still plan to learn Russian for the second language it's recommended to learn before you get your masters. Anyways, yaaaay for the world's largest country and whoever from their read my blog! =D

Thursday, May 19, 2011

New Stuff

That no one can see until it's done. And even then it'll go to my initial reader, and then I'll test the waters from there. Aaanyway, I've found a new, controversial thing to write about. It's making me happy, and it fits in well with my goal to write every day for 100 days. Well, that's all I have to say, there isn't any more. Cheers.

Monday, May 09, 2011

Long Time Coming Stuff

I have news! Screnzy is complete! My school play goes in front of an audience tomorrow! Osama Bin Laden ( I think it's spelled right? I have a really hard time with names :S) is dead! Although  I keep wanting to put Obama, which would be bad. Fortunately, though, he's not dead. On the note of politics though, unfortunately, Canada has a majority conservative government, because we are apparently incredibly stupid. It makes me grumpy, but that's another story for another day.

Where was I...right, right, Screnzy! I won. At around 9 o'clock. In the end, I'm really not a fan of my script. It's kind of reeeally awful, but I got really quite close to being finished. I didn't develop a whole whack of characters, and I eventually just started writing scenes I figured I could do, so it was inconsistent but it's done. At the moment, I think I'll just let it be. I don't want to revise it, or finish it. I still have my outline, and I haven't deleted what I've written, so I may come back, 10, 20 years down the road and remake it.

I've done some other writing since Screnzy. It's funny though, while I was writing, all I wanted to do was work on either an old novel manuscript, or start up a new one. At the moment I'm working on a series of short stories I've been planning out for eons that all involve the different forms of gender, particularly with a trans/non-conformist spin. Not to mention I've been planning out my novel for the summer, which is a traditional coming of age road trip sort of thing that deals with the same stage I'm at, at the moment.

I had more planned that I wanted to mention, but I went off to do other things, and now I forget. So, I think I'm going to leave it at that. Ta ta for now.