Thursday, March 08, 2012

Where I've been

Life is super hectic as my first year starts to come to a close. I have several research products/presentations that I need to prepare, and soon I'll need to start studying for exams so I can bring my marks up, so I haven't really had time to write. I'm not sure if I'll be doing Screnzy this year or not. I really want to, since I enjoyed it last year, but April is when I'm writing my exams. I'll have to measure my ability to deal with both and go from there, so it's up in the air at the moment. I do have an idea for it, though, so if I decide to do it, it'll all work out.

But, yeah, this is where I'm at. That and having major deja vu apparnetly. It's so distracting I've lost what I was going to say. Anywho, cheers for now!

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