Sunday, February 27, 2011

Depressing Readership

Well, as promised, I posted That's My Problem on writerscafe. Unfortunately, I've had about 15 views. Keep in mind that's 15 views on a single page, but that's the highest viewed of all of the pages (of which there are 8 because of how writerscafe swings their formatting). And, to top it all off, I have no reviews. Which I find to be sad. I mean, I can't very well complain since I rarely review things, but I must say it's always reassuring to have some indication of what people thing. Although, in my defence, I never read anything in order to review. I'd just really like to come across a new website for posting my work where I have the potential to fair better. This site seems to lean more towards poetry, which is where I fail every time I try. I think I may run off and give fictionpress a shot, it keeps popping up. It's huge, so I won't gain any notoriety, but it's still more likely to be viewed by more people. I hope.

Friday, February 18, 2011

And Then There Was

Music. And not just any music, it was music at my school. We have a program in place where professional musicians come in and play for us and answer questions and so on and so forth. And every time I never fail to realize how unaccomplished I am. I mean, it's like every time I see someone else doing something they love and getting payed for it (regardless of whether or not it's a full time job) I'm reminded of how very little I've done with anything I've achieved. I've never won any contests, or been published, hell, I hardly get any reviews on anything I write and post (although that may partly be because of the fact that I never review anyone else's work so my name is hardly out there so people don't know to look at my work).

So this is rabidly becoming a venty, ranty expression of melancholy. Which is not what I want. Therefore, I am going to end happily! Or, well, try to. It depends on your idea of happy. To some, happy is death. To others, happy is a warm kitten. I don't know why a warm kitten specifically, beyond that it's alive, but who knows. Perhaps some people have temperature preferences for their pets, who am I to judge. Unfortunately, though, there shall be no death and no kittens. However, what there shall be is the reposting of something else I've written. If I get in trouble for it, I'll just take it down, but as it stands I plan to re-post That's My Problem (ie my lone attempt at comedy) on under my username of littlestnewt (which is kind of my default if you hadn't noticed). Ideally the same pen name and the same story and names that work out and whatnot shall ensure that there won't be any copyright issues, but as far as I'm aware, submitting to the one site doesn't give them exclusive rights and I still hold copyright for it so it doesn't really matter. Anyways, technical worrying over and done with, I'm off to go edit and then post. Cheers!   

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Once Upon a Time...

I was told I should write a blog. In previous years I've been told to do a number of things. Eat hot sauce straight. Get my license. Take up painting. This seemed to be safest. Plus, I've tried this before. I have yet to succeed but since I'm an impressionable person who is easily swayed through flattery, perhaps this time will work. And by work I mean that I'll stick with it.

Anyways, the purpose behind this blog is to chronicle. In this case, I shall likely be detailing my life and my writing. Hopefully more of the former than the latter, since talking about my writing is mildly less pretentious. But not by much. Anyways, I suppose I shall get used to Blogger (historically I'm an LJ user, but that's a wee bit too emo for me) and get back and try and actually figure out this blogging concept. Cheers =)