Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Trouble With Length

I like to write novel length stories. Not the ridiculously long door jambs that are 1500 pages and usually full of suckish drivel (and commonly fantasy), but on the in between side. Generally around 75 000-100 000 words, so somewhat on the shorter side, depending on what genre you're looking at. My mind just thinks in ways that produces plot bunnies for really long story lines. Which is why I struggle with short stories. I simply cannot condense my ideas, and my mind won't give me anything straight to the point without millions of little subplots that need to be fully fleshed out to make sense. Therefore, the submission work is going slowly. I was just struck by an idea I had a while ago that would probably fit right in with one place. Whoot! Anyway, I wonder if I'm the only writer who struggles with this problem. I have a feeling I am.

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