Thursday, July 28, 2011


I'm upset with writing at the moment, so I'm taking a break. I've taken up embroidery again. Once that obsessive phase has blown through, I'll likely go back to writing. Or maybe while I'm  still only thinking about different stitches and how to best trace designs. Who knows. For now, though, I'm on hiatus. Buh-bye. (Well, I'll be around, if you need to find me you can, buuut, yeah, may be a while before I feel like working on stories, and blogging's still up in the air - not to mention next week is vacation week).

Thursday, July 14, 2011

So Here's the Thing...

I have braces. Again. I had them a few years ago, and they put them back on because the first time (and a very painful fibrotomy) didn't work it seems. So, it's quite distracting. Until you've had your braces put on with the strongest wire and elastics from the get go, you'll never know how distracting this sort of thing can be (unless you've had some other sort of horrible mouth contraption, in which case you'll know how distracting that can be, I can only speak to tissue biopsies, fibrotomies, and braces). Basically, I'm being a baby and whining constantly rather than doing something productive. Oh, well. That's the way the cookie crumbles.

Friday, July 01, 2011

Camp NaNoWriMo

(Or whatever it's called, I can never remember the order.) I'm about to embark on the part of my newest WriMo project today. It's nerve wracking, since it was something of a last minute decision (kind of like the first time I did NaNoWriMo now that I think about it - I signed up the day of, I think), and I'm not as gogogo about it as usual, partly because it's a continuation of a story already started. Actually, I'd have even more of it had the jump drive with an additional 3000+ words of it not gone missing. It took me two years to get those 3000+ words, because I hit a major block when it came to writing my character out of that particular situation. Motivation is hard to come by when it's not November.

Anyways, I'm off to read what I've got to remind myself of what's going on. Cheers!